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iplv是什么意思 iplv的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-04 06:11:43
  • 362

iplv是什么意思 iplv的读音、翻译、用法

1. 定义:IPLV是国际标准中的一种能效计算方法,全称为"Integrated Part Load Value",即综合部分负载值。它是根据制冷设备在不同负载下的能效比进行加权平均得出的能效指标。

2. 应用:IPLV主要用于评估中央空调、冷却机组和冷水机组等制冷设备的能效,以及制定相关政策和标准。

3. 计算方法:IPLV计算方法要求在评估制冷设备时必须测量不同负载下的能效比。根据设备所处的环境温度、湿度、部分负载条件等因素,计算加权平均的IPLV值。

4. 例句:

- The new central air conditioning system must meet the minimum IPLV requirements set by the government.

- Our company is planning to replace the old cooling system with an energy-efficient one, with an IPLV rating of at least 15.

- The manufacturer claims that their new product has an IPLV value of 16.5, which is one of the highest in the industry.

- The government has set a target to reduce the energy consumption of commercial buildings by 30% by 2030, and IPLV is one of the key indicators to achieve this goal.

- The school is looking for a new cooling system with a high IPLV value to save energy costs and reduce carbon emissions.


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