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slothful是什么意思 slothful的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-23 10:22:32
  • 83

slothful是什么意思 slothful的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:slothful是一个形容词,意为懒惰的,懒散的。

2. 同义词:lazy、indolent、apathetic、unmotivated、idle。

3. 反义词:energetic、active、diligent、productive、zealous。

4. 词根:slothful的词根来自于“懒惰”,源自于古英语中的slaw(懒散)和sloth(懒惰)。

5. 用法:slothful用于表示某人或某事物缺乏活力、懒散、迟缓。常用于描述人、动物、天气等。


1. She was slothful and never bothered to clean her room until it was in a complete mess. (她很懒,从不打扫房间,直到房间变成了一片混乱。)

2. The slothful cat lay on the windowsill all day, not bothering to chase the birds outside. (懒惰的猫整天躺在窗台上,不去追赶窗外的鸟儿。)

3. His slothful attitude towards his studies caused him to fail all of his exams. (他对学习的懒散态度导致他所有的考试都不及格。)

4. The slothful pace of the construction workers caused the project to fall behind schedule. (建筑工人的懒散步伐使得项目拖延。)

5. Despite her slothful tendencies, she managed to finish the project on time. (尽管她倾向于懒散,但她成功地在规定时间内完成了项目。)


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