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boulogne是什么意思 boulogne的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-11 03:16:21
  • 142

boulogne是什么意思 boulogne的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:Boulogne是一个名词,通常指法国北部港口城市布洛涅-比扬古(Boulogne-sur-Mer)。


- Boulogne is a beautiful city with a rich history and stunning architecture.


- I'm planning a trip to Boulogne this summer to explore its beaches and local cuisine.


2. 地理位置:Boulogne是法国北部重要的港口城市,位于加来海峡畔。


- Boulogne is a strategic location for maritime trade between France and the UK.


- The port of Boulogne is one of the busiest and most important ports in northern France.


3. 缩写词:BoU(Boulogne University)是一个缩写词,指法国布洛涅大学。


- BoU is a well-respected institution known for its research in marine biology and oceanography.


- My sister graduated from BoU with a degree in French literature last year.


4. 历史:Boulogne在历史上曾是罗马帝国的一个重要城市,并在中世纪成为欧洲著名的朝圣地。


- The remains of a Roman amphitheater can still be seen in Boulogne today.


- Boulogne Cathedral is a magnificent example of Romanesque architecture and attracts thousands of visitors each year.


5. 经济:Boulogne在渔业和食品加工业方面有着重要的地位,也是法国鱼类和海鲜的主要出口港口之一。


- Boulogne's fish market is famous throughout France for the wide variety of fresh seafood available.


- The food processing industry in Boulogne employs thousands of people and contributes significantly to the local economy.



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