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bedtime是什么意思 bedtime的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-24 00:30:52
  • 642

bedtime是什么意思 bedtime的读音、翻译、用法



1. 时态:'bedtime'通常用于表示晚上睡觉的时间,它是一个名词,因此使用时需要注意其单复数和大小写规则。


- I always go to bed on time at my bedtime.

- Children should have a regular bedtime routine.

- My kids like to push their bedtime back on weekends.

2. 用途:'bedtime'是一个常用的词汇,可以在晚上的谈话中用于描述人们要睡觉的时间。


- It's already passed my bedtime, I need to go to sleep.

- I usually read a book before my bedtime.

- Can we talk in the morning? It's my bedtime now.

3. 活动:有时人们会在睡觉前做一些特定的事情,比如刷牙、洗脸等,这些也可以被称为bedtime activities。


- Brushing your teeth is an important bedtime activity.

- I always take a shower as part of my bedtime routine.

- My son insists on listening to a bedtime story every night.

4. 形容词:作为形容词,'bedtime'可以用于形容和睡觉有关的事物和活动。


- A bedtime story is a great way to help children fall asleep.

- The bedtime routine can be difficult to establish with young children.

- We have a bedtime snack every night before going to sleep.

5. 词源:'bedtime'源于英语单词'bed',表示床,加上'time'表示时间,因此bedtime指的是睡觉时间。这一词源可以帮助学习者更好地理解该词汇的意义和形成过程。


- Bedtime has arrived, time to go to sleep.

- Reading in bed is a common bedtime activity for many people.

- It's important to have a consistent bedtime every night to establish a healthy sleep routine.



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