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sinuosa是什么意思 sinuosa的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-26 03:53:27
  • 954

sinuosa是什么意思 sinuosa的读音、翻译、用法

'sinuosa' 是一个形容词,意为“蜿蜒曲折的,弯曲的”。


词组搭配:sinuosa road(蜿蜒的道路)




1. This river flows through sinuous canyons and gorges.(这条河流穿越蜿蜒曲折的峡谷。)

2. The snake's sinuous body was wrapped around the tree branch.(蛇的身体纤细曲折地缠绕在树枝上。)

3. The road ahead was sinuous, and the driver had to slow down.(前面的路蜿蜒曲折,司机得放慢速度。)

4. The dancer's sinuous movements were a joy to watch.(舞蹈演员纤细曲折的舞姿令人陶醉。)

5. The river flowed in a sinuous pattern, creating small islands along its banks.(这条河流呈蜿蜒曲折的图案,在河岸上创造了小岛。)

6. The path through the forest was sinuous, but we finally reached the destination.(穿过森林的小路弯弯曲曲,们终于到达了目的地。)

7. The artist's sinuous brushstrokes created a sense of movement in the painting.(艺术家纤细曲折的笔触在画作中创造出一种动感。)


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