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stiff是什么意思 stiff的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-25 05:14:18
  • 65

stiff是什么意思 stiff的读音、翻译、用法

Stiff 这个单词可以有以下几个方面的含义:

1. 严厉的,僵硬的

2. 艰难的,不灵活的

3. 紧张的,不自然的

4. 过分的,绷紧的


1. His face was stiff with anger. (他的脸因愤怒而僵硬。)

2. The new ss are really stiff, I hope they will loosen up soon. (这双新鞋子特别硬,希望它们能尽快变得松软。)

3. The atmosphere at the meeting was stiff and formal. (会议气氛严肃而拘谨。)

4. The man had a stiff neck from sleeping in a weird position. (那个人因为睡觉的姿势奇怪,脖子僵硬了。)

5. The drink was so stiff that even seasoned drinkers couldn't finish it. (这杯酒太烈了,连资深的酒鬼都喝不下去。)


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