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free fall是什么意思 free fall的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-04 10:24:54
  • 930

free fall是什么意思 free fall的读音、翻译、用法




1. in free fall 自由落体状态中

2. free-fall speed 自由落体速度

3. free-fall parachute 自由落体降落伞

4. free-fall bomb 自由落体

5. free-fall sensor 自由落体传感器


发音拼写:/fri ˈfɔːl/


1. The astronaut experienced free fall in space.那位宇航员在太空中体验了自由落体。

2. The height of the building was so great that it took the object several seconds to reach free fall.大楼的高度非常之高,物体落下到自由落体状态需要数秒的时间。

3. The free-fall speed of an object is determined by the acceleration due to gravity.物体的自由落体速度是由重力加速度决定的。

4. A free-fall parachute allows a person to experience the thrilling sensation of falling while still being safe.自由落体降落伞让人们能够在保证安全的情况验跌落的激动人心的感觉。

5. The free-fall bomb is a weapon that is released from an aircraft and falls to its target without any propulsion.自由落体是一种从飞机上释放并在没有任何推进作用的情况下落到目标处的武器。


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