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Barden是什么意思 Barden的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-23 10:48:43
  • 156

Barden是什么意思 Barden的读音、翻译、用法



1. 人名


- Mr. Barden is one of my colleagues who is an expert in finance. (巴登先生是我的一个同事,是一位金融专家。)

- I met Kevin Barden at the conference last week. (上周我在会议上见到了Kevin Barden。)

- Mary Barden is a famous writer in the United Kingdom. (Mary Barden是英国著名作家。)

- The football team captain's name is John Barden. (足球队长的名字叫John Barden。)

- Elizabeth Barden is my grandmother's name. (Elizabeth Barden是我奶奶的名字。)

2. 学校名称


- Barden University is well known for its business school. (Barden大学因其商学院而闻名。)

- Jack is studying at Barden College. (Jack在Barden学院学习。)

- The annual sports event at Barden High School will be held next week. (Barden高中的年度运动会将于下周举行。)

- Sara was accepted into Barden Preparatory School. (Sara被Barden预备学校录取了。)

- The music program at Barden Middle School is excellent. (Barden中学的音乐节目很棒。)

3. 缩写词


- BARDEN Corporation is a leading manufacturer of precision ball bearings. (BARDEN公司是精密轴承的领先制造商。)

- The BARDEN Project is a research initiative aimed at understanding the relationship between climate change and biodiversity. (BARDEN项目是一个旨在了解气候变化与生物多样性之间关系的研究计划。)

- BARDEN Energy is a provider of renewable energy solutions. (BARDEN能源是可再生能源解决方案的提供商。)

- The BARDEN Foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports education and the arts. (BARDEN基金会是一个支持教育和艺术的非营利组织。)

- The Barden Bellas is a fictional a cappella singing group in the movie Pitch Perfect. (Barden Bellas是电影《歌喉赞》中虚构的无伴奏合唱团。)



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