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cersei是什么意思 cersei的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-16 12:21:46
  • 195

cersei是什么意思 cersei的读音、翻译、用法

1. 发音



1. Cersei's name is ounced as "sir-say". (Cersei的名字发音为“sir-say”。)

2. Can you tell me how to ounce Cersei correctly? (你能告诉我如何正确发音Cersei吗?)

2. 来源



1. Cersei is one of the most popular characters in Game of Thrones. (Cersei是《权力的游戏》中最受欢迎的角色之一。)

2. Have you watched the eode where Cersei becomes queen? (你看过Cersei成为女王的那一集吗?)

3. 含义



1. Cersei is a strong and independent woman who doesn't need anyone's help. (Cersei是一个强大而独立的女性,不需要任何人的帮助。)

2. The character of Cersei shows us how ambitious women can be. (Cersei的角色向我们展示了女性有多么有野心。)

4. 类似单词



1. Do you know who Ceres is in Roman mythology? (你知道罗马神话中的Ceres是谁吗?)

2. Cerberus is a three-headed dog who guards the gates of the Underworld. (Cerberus是守护冥界之门的三头犬。)


1. Cersei was determined to become queen and rule the Seven Kingdoms with an iron fist. (Cersei决心成为女王,并用铁腕治理七王国。)

2. When it comes to Cersei, you can never be sure what she's going to do next. (说到Cersei,你永远不知道她接下来会做什么。)

3. The actress who played Cersei in Game of Thrones won several awards for her outstanding performance. (在《权力的游戏》中扮演Cersei的女演员凭借出色的表演赢得了几个奖项。)

4. Many fans were shocked when Cersei blew up the Sept of Baelor with wildfire. (当Cersei用野火炸毁贝勒大教堂时,许多粉丝都感到震惊。)

5. Cersei's relationship with her brother Jaime was controversial and often criticized. (Cersei和她的兄弟Jaime的关系备受争议,并经常受到批评。)


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