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sparate是什么意思 sparate的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-22 08:35:38
  • 888

sparate是什么意思 sparate的读音、翻译、用法

1. 单词含义


- 物理学中表示分离两个电荷之间的距离

- 化学中表示分离两种化合物

- 生物学中表示体内蛋白质分离

- 社会学中表示两个人或团体之间的分离

2. 缩写含义


- SPRT:标准白金电阻温度计(Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer)

- SP: 植物分离素(Separation Peptide)

- SARA:穿越障碍物雷达信号分离处理系统(Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition)

3. 词性和用法


- separate sth from sth:从中分离出某物

- separate A and B:将A和B分开

- separate oneself from sb:与某人分离

4. 近义词和反义词

- 近义词:divide, split, detach

- 反义词:combine, unite, merge


1. The magnetic force between the two charged plates is inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance.


2. The chemist was able to separate the two compounds using a special filter.


3. The biotech company uses a new method to separate proteins from biological samples.


4. After years of working together, the two partners decided to separate and pursue different career paths.


5. The SPRT is widely used in scientific research and calibration labs for high-precision temperature measurement.



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