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explosion是什么意思 explosion的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-14 05:47:20
  • 633

explosion是什么意思 explosion的读音、翻译、用法




1. 爆炸事件:作为名词,explosion通常指的是突然而剧烈的爆炸事故,如引起的爆炸、天然气爆炸等。

例句1:The huge explosion at the chemical plant killed several workers and injured many others.(化工厂发生的巨大爆炸导致几名工人死亡,多数人受伤。)

例句2:The explosion destroyed several buildings in the city center.(爆炸摧毁了市中心几栋建筑。)

2. 快速扩散:explosion作为缩写词时,常用来表示一种快速而剧烈的扩散现象。

例句1:The popularity of the latest music video has caused an explosion of interest on social media.(最新音乐视频的流行引发了社交媒体上的一波热潮。)

例句2:The discovery of gold in the region led to a boom and an explosion of economic growth.(该地区发现黄金引发了经济增长的繁荣时期。)

3. :explosion作为缩写词也可以指代各种类型的,包括、等。

例句1:The bomb disposal unit successfully defused the explosive before it could cause any damage.(在造成任何损害之前,拆除小组成功处理了。)

例句2:The terrorists were caught trying to smuggle explosives across the border.(试图在边境偷运时被捕。)

4. 爆发:explosion这个词还可以表示一种突然而剧烈的情感爆发,比如愤怒、狂喜等。

例句1:The news of her husband's death caused an explosion of grief and despair.(丈夫去世的消息引发了悲痛和绝望的情感爆发。)

例句2:His sudden win in the lottery caused an explosion of excitement and joy.(他在彩票中突然中奖引发了激动和喜悦的情绪爆发。)



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