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ourselves是什么意思 ourselves的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-04 12:27:54
  • 732

ourselves是什么意思 ourselves的读音、翻译、用法


1. 定义和基本用法:



- We're going to clean the room ourselves. (我们自己打算清理房间。)

- They promised to finish the project by themselves. (他们承诺自己完成这个项目。)

- We enjoy cooking for ourselves. (我们喜欢自己做饭。)

- They blame themselves for the failure. (他们因失败而自责。)

- Ourselves, we prefer the beach to the mountain. (就我们而言,我们更喜欢海滩而不是山区。)

2. 反身代词的用法:



- We need to take care of ourselves. (我们需要照顾好自己。)

- They found themselves in a difficult situation. (他们发现自己陷入了困境。)

- I'm going to treat myself to a nice dinner tonight. (今晚我要去享受一顿美味的晚餐。)

- The children were entertaining themselves with some board games. (孩子们用一些桌游来娱乐自己。)

- We always enjoy ourselves when we get together. (我们聚在一起总是很开心。)

3. 强调代词的用法:



- We ourselves finished the project on time. (我们自己按时完成了这个项目。)

- They themselves chose to withdraw from the competition. (他们自己选择退出比赛。)

- I myself cannot believe what happened. (我自己都不敢相信发生了什么。)

- The company itself is not to blame for the mistake. (公司自身并不应为这个错误负责。)

- The article itself is well-written, but the arguments are weak. (这篇文章本身写得很好,但是论点很弱。)

4. 形容词和名词的用法:



- We need to take care of our physical and mental selves. (我们需要照顾好我们的身体和心理。)

- They believe in loving themselves before loving others. (他们相信在爱别人之前要爱自己。)

- The workshop was all about improving ourselves as teachers. (这个研讨会是关于我们作为教师的自我提升。)

- We are responsible for our own selves and our own actions. (我们要对自己和自己的行为负责。)

- The book is a guide for finding our true selves. (这本书是一本关于寻找我们真正自己的指南。)

5. 其他用法:



- We should be proud of ourselves for finishing the marathon. (我们应该为完成马拉松感到自豪。)

- They promised to keep the secret to themselves. (他们承诺保守秘密。)

- We need to be true to ourselves and our values. (我们需要对自己和自己的价值观保持真实。)

- The company's success is due to the hard work of all its employees, including ourselves. (公司的成功要归功于所有员工,包括我们自己。)

- They found themselves in a pickle when their car broke down in the middle of nowhere. (当他们的车在荒野中抛锚时,他们陷入了困境。)


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