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enemies是什么意思 enemies的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-04 08:37:20
  • 857

enemies是什么意思 enemies的读音、翻译、用法


1. Definition: 'Enemies' refers to people or things that are opposed to or hostile towards someone or something.

Example: The two countries have been enemies for decades.

2. Derivation: The word "enemies" is derived from the Old French "enemi," which comes from the Latin "inimicus," meaning "hostile" or "unfriendly."

Example: The general had many enemies in his own army.

3. Usage: The word "enemies" can be used to describe anyone or anything that is hostile, including individuals, groups, or concepts.

Example: Technology can be both a friend and an enemy.

4. Idioms: The word "enemies" is used in several popular English idioms, such as "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" and "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Example: The United States and Russia may not be allies, but they have a common enemy in North Korea.

Some example sentences with translation:

1. "He had made many enemies during his political career." - "他的生涯中结下了众多的敌人。"

2. "The superhero fought valiantly against his arch-enemy." - "这个超级英雄勇敢地对抗了他的死敌。"

3. "The two companies were once fierce compes, but now they are working together to defeat a common enemy." - "这两家公司曾经是剧烈的竞争对手,但现在他们合作起来打败了一个共同的敌人。"

4. "She couldn't believe that her supposed friend could be such an enemy." - "她无法相信,她所谓的朋友居然会成为这样的敌人。"

5. "The detective was determined to uncover the identity of the enemy within the organization." - "侦探决心揭露组织内部的敌人的身份。"


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