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WVS是什么意思 WVS的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-03 05:17:18
  • 302

WVS是什么意思 WVS的读音、翻译、用法

WVS是World Values Survey的简称,意为“世界价值观调查”,是一个跨越多个国家和文化背景的社会科学调查项目,旨在探究全球不同地区人们的价值观和信仰。

词义:World Values Survey(世界价值观调查)




发音拼写:/wɔːld ˈvæljuːz sɜːveɪ/


1. The WVS is a large-scale, cross-national survey research program that studies human values and beliefs across cultures and countries.(WVS是一个跨国、大规模的调查研究项目,旨在研究跨越文化和国家的人类价值观和信仰。)

2. The WVS database contains data from over 100 countries and is widely used by social scientists and policymakers around the world.(WVS数据库包含来自100多个国家的数据,被全球社会科学家和政策制定者广泛使用。)

3. The WVS has been conducted since 1981 and is one of the most comprehensive studies of human values and beliefs ever undertaken.(WVS自1981年以来一直在进行,是迄今为止最全面的人类价值观和信仰研究之一。)

4. The WVS asks questions about a wide range of topics, including religion, politics, gender roles, and environmental issues.(WVS涵盖了广泛的主题,包括、、性别角色和环境问题等。)

5. The WVS is designed to provide insight into the ways in which different societies and cultures shape people’s values and beliefs.(WVS旨在提供有关不同社会和文化如何塑造人们的价值观和信仰的洞察。)

6. The WVS is a valuable resource for researchers who are interested in studying cross-cultural differences in values and beliefs.(WVS对于那些有兴趣研究跨文化价值观和信仰差异的研究者来说是一个宝贵的资源。)

7. The WVS is funded by a number of organizations, including national governments, academic institutions, and private foundations.(WVS得到了多个组织的资助,包括国家、学术机构和私人基金会等。)


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