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Scanty是什么意思 Scanty的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-23 04:29:45
  • 68

Scanty是什么意思 Scanty的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性解释:Scanty可以作为形容词使用,意为“少量的,不足的,不够的”。

2. 同义词辨析:Scanty的同义词包括sp, scant, meager, inadequate, insufficient, deficient等。

3. 用法搭配:Scanty常用来形容物品、数量、信息、情况等,例如a scanty amount of money, scanty rainfall, scanty evidence, scanty knowledge等。

4. 常见用途:Scanty常用在正式场合的英语写作和演讲中,尤其是在描述数据、资料、信息、穿戴等方面。

5. 示例句子:

- The company's finances were in a scanty state, and they struggled to keep up with expenses. (公司财务情况状况不佳,难以支付开支。)

- The study's findings were based on scanty evidence and didn't provide a comprehensive picture of the situation. (该研究的结果基于有限的证据,没有提供全面的情况说明。)

- The scanty rainfall in the region has led to a drought and crop failures. (该地区缺乏降雨导致干旱和庄稼歉收。)

- Despite their scanty resources, the team managed to complete the project on time and within budget. (尽管资源匮乏,但团队在预算范围内及时完成了项目。)

- The waitress's scanty outfit was deemed inappropriate for a family restaurant and she was asked to change. (服务员的暴露装扮被认为不适合家庭餐厅,要求她更换衣服。)


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