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fαrm是什么意思 fαrm的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-11 15:23:06
  • 544

fαrm是什么意思 fαrm的读音、翻译、用法


词性:farm 既可以是名词,也可以是动词。作为名词时,它是可数名词,有单数和复数形式。作为动词时,farm 表示从事农业活动或者经营农业产业。

词组搭配:farm produce(农产品)、dairy farm(牧场)、poultry farm(养禽场)、organic farm(有机农场)

短语:farm out(外包)



1. I love to visit my grandfather's farm and help him with the animals.(我喜欢去我爷爷的农场玩,帮他照顾动物。)

2. The farm has been in our family for four generations.(这个农场已经传承了我们家族四代人了。)

3. The farmer has decided to diversify and start a small business on the farm. (这位农民决定多样化经营,在农场上开展小型企业。)

4. They decided to farm out some of the work to a subcontractor.(他们决定将一些工作外包给承包商。)

5. My friend is studying agriculture and hopes to have her own organic farm one day.(我的朋友正在学习农业,希望有一天拥有自己的有机农场。)


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