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discerning是什么意思 discerning的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-10 05:59:59
  • 572

discerning是什么意思 discerning的读音、翻译、用法


1. 洞见力:Discerning可以用来形容一个人或机构具有精明洞察的能力,能够分辨真伪,细节。


- The discerning investor could see through the company's claims and knew not to invest.

- The discerning shopper always checks the labels and ingredients before buying anything.

- The discerning critic could spot the flaws in the movie that others overlooked.

2. 有品位:Discerning可以描述一个人(尤其是美食家、音乐家、艺术爱好者)具有品位,能够分辨优秀的和平庸的东西。


- The discerning food critic could tell that the restaurant had used fresh ingredients and had a skilled chef.

- The discerning music lover could tell the difference between a masterful performance and a mediocre one.

- The discerning art collector knew which pieces were worth their high price tags.

3. 识别能力:Discerning也可以用来表示一个人能够准确地识别某种事物,例如声音、味道、气味等等。


- The discerning wine taster could identify the g varieties and regions of the wines they were sampling.

- The discerning ear could pick out the faintest notes in the complex musical composition.

- The discerning nose could detect the subtlest scents in the perfume.

4. 谨慎:Discerning还可以表示一个人非常谨慎,对于选择或决策会经过深思熟虑,不会轻易被骗、受骗。


- The discerning consumer always reads the fine print and does research before a purchase.

- The discerning voter carefully considers each candidate's policies and qualifications before casting their ballot.

- The discerning manager carefully interviews each job applicant to ensure they are a good fit for the company.


1. The discerning eye of the art curator could see the hidden beauty in the most mundane of objects.(艺术策展人敏锐的洞察力能够发现最平凡的物品中隐藏的美丽)

2. The discerning traveler only stays at hotels with a high rating on customer review websites.(精明的旅行者只选择在客户评论网站上评分高的酒店住宿)

3. The discerning gourmand could taste the subtle hints of spice in the chef's signature dish.(美食家的味蕾能够感受到厨师的招牌菜中微妙的香料味道)

4. The discerning investor knew not to put all their money in one stock, but to diversify their portfolio.(精明的投资者知道不能把所有的钱都投在一支股票上,而是要分散投资)

5. The discerning reader could tell that the author had done extensive research and had a deep understanding of the topic.(敏锐的读者能够看出作者做了大量的研究,对这个话题有深刻的理解)


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