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judiciary是什么意思 judiciary的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-30 08:12:42
  • 47

judiciary是什么意思 judiciary的读音、翻译、用法

1. Definition: Judiciary refers to the branch of government responsible for interpreting and enforcing laws. It includes courts, judges, and other legal officials.

2. Structure: Judiciary can be divided into different levels, such as district courts, appellate courts, and the Supreme Court, depending on the legal system of a country.

3. Functions: Judiciary plays an important role in upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of individuals. It also serves as a check and balance on the other branches of government.

4. Legal terminology: Judiciary has its own set of legal terminology, such as habeas corpus, amicus curiae, and judicial review, which are important for understanding legal proceedings.

Example sentences:

1. The judiciary branch of the government is responsible for interpreting and enforcing laws.


2. The US judiciary system includes district courts, circuit courts, and the Supreme Court.


3. The judiciary serves as a check and balance on the other branches of government to prevent abuse of power.


4. The defendant has the right to request a writ of habeas corpus from the judiciary to challenge their detention.


5. The judiciary's power of judicial review allows it to declare laws unconstitutional if they violate the Constitution.



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