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knocking on heavens door是什么意思 knocking on heavens door的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-02 15:15:12
  • 549

knocking on heavens door是什么意思 knocking on heavens door的读音、翻译、用法

词义:Knocking on heaven's door是一个词组,意为“在天门前敲门”,通常用于表示接近死亡或者面临严重困难的情境。


词组搭配:knock on the door表示“敲门”,而knocking on heaven's door则有更加深刻的含义,通常描述一个人或者团体在临近死亡或面临巨大困难的情况下,寻求超自然的力量或者渴望得到拯救。

短语:常见的短语包括:knock on the door(敲门),heaven's door(天堂之门),open the door(打开门)。

发音拼写:/nɒkɪŋ/ /ɒn/ /ˈhɛvnz/ /dɔː/


1. She was diagnosed with cancer and knew that she would soon be knocking on heaven's door.(她被诊断出患有癌症,知道自己很快就要面临死亡。)

2. The climber was lost in the mountains, and knew that he was knocking on heaven's door.(登山者迷失在山区,知道自己面临巨大危险。)

3. The old man lay dying in his bed, and his loved ones felt that he was knocking on heaven's door.(老人临终卧床,他的亲人们感觉他快要离开人世。)

4. The band played "Knocking on Heaven's Door" as a tribute to the late musician.(乐队演奏“在天门前敲门”以表示对已故音乐家的致敬。)

5. After years of addiction, the man finally realized that he was knocking on heaven's door and decided to seek help.(经过多年的瘾症折磨,男子终于认识到自己面临的情况,决定寻求帮助。)


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