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pains是什么意思 pains的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-26 11:08:08
  • 187

pains是什么意思 pains的读音、翻译、用法

词义:n. 疼痛,痛苦;辛苦,努力;艰难之事



- take pains(不遗余力地努力做某事)

- at pains(费心,费力)

- spare no pains(不遗余力地,倾尽全力)


- growing pains(生长痛,青春期的烦恼)

- labor pains(分娩阵痛)

- growing pains(发展中的困难)



1. He suffered severe pains in his back.(他背部遭受了严重的疼痛。)

2. She took great pains to make sure everything was perfect.(她费尽心思确保一切完美。)

3. He went to great pains to explain the situation to his boss.(他费尽心思向老板解释情况。)

4. The company spared no pains to ensure that the product was of the highest quality.(公司不遗余力地确保产品的最高质量。)

5. The company is going through some growing pains as it expands into new markets.(随着公司进军新市场,它正在经历一些发展过程中的困难。)

6. She experienced excruciating labor pains before giving birth to her baby.(在生孩子之前,她经历了难忍的分娩痛苦。)

7. The country is going through some economic pains as it transitions to a market economy.(随着国家转向市场经济,它正在经历一些经济上的困难。)


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