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putnam是什么意思 putnam的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-18 08:15:49
  • 441

putnam是什么意思 putnam的读音、翻译、用法

1. Putnam作为名词,指的是一个姓氏,也可能代表以下概念:

- Putnam County:美国多个州中不同县的名称,如纽约州的普特南县(Putnam County, New York)等。

- Putnam Exam:Putnam Mathematical Competition的简称,是北美的一项数学竞赛,每年12月份举行,参赛对象是来自加拿大和美国的大学生。

- Putnam Investments:美国一家投资公司,提供多种金融服务。


- My friend Jane married a man with the last name Putnam.

- John is studying hard for the upcoming Putnam Exam.

- Putnam Investments has a diverse range of investment options available.

2. Putnam作为缩写词:

- P.U.T.N.A.M.:可能代表“People Usually Think Nothing's All-important, Mate”,是一个用于方便记忆事物顺序的缩写词。

- PUT:TCP/IP协议中的一个命令,代表“传输文件到远程主机”(Put File to Remote Host)。


- When memorizing a long list, some people use acronyms like P.U.T.N.A.M. to help them remember.

- To upload a file to a remote server, use the PUT command in your terminal.

3. Putnam在文化方面也有较高的知名度,可能指:

- Putnam County Spelling Bee:一部著名的音乐喜剧,描述了一次意外搞笑的拼字比赛。

- Hilary Putnam:美国哲学家,对语言哲学、数学哲学和科学哲学等领域作出了重要贡献。


- I saw a hilarious performance of Putnam County Spelling Bee last night.

- Hilary Putnam was widely regarded as one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century.


- The residents of Putnam County were hit hard by the recent storm.(普特南县的居民受到了最近的风暴的严重打击。)

- Although he was nervous, John managed to score well on the Putnam Exam.(尽管他很紧张,John还是在Putnam数学竞赛中取得了不错的成绩。)

- I decided to invest in a mutual fund offered by Putnam Investments.(我决定投资Putnam公司提供的一只共同基金。)

- To remember the order of the planets, some people use the acronym "P.U.T.N.A.M."(为了记住行星的顺序,一些人使用缩写词“P.U.T.N.A.M.”。)

- To transfer a file to a remote server, you can use the PUT command in your terminal.(要将文件传输到远程服务器,可以在终端中使用PUT命令。)


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