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lovepop是什么意思 lovepop的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-06 04:05:25
  • 82

lovepop是什么意思 lovepop的读音、翻译、用法


1. Lovepop可以是一个名词,指的是一种特殊的三维卡片,常常用于表示爱意、感谢、祝福等等。


- I gave my girlfriend a Lovepop card for Valentine's Day, and she loved it.

- My friend just got a new job, so I sent him a Lovepop card to congratulate him.

- I received a beautiful Lovepop card from my sister on my birthday.

2. Lovepop可以是一个动词,指的是通过购买和送出Lovepop卡片来表达爱意、感谢、祝福等等。


- I love to Lovepop my friends and family on special occasions.

- Have you Lovepopped anyone lately?

- She Lovepops her coworkers whenever they achieve something big.

3. Lovepop也可以是一个缩写词,在网络用语中常常表示“爱的吐槽(Love and Popcorn)”,即对某件事或某人表达爱意或赞赏的同时也吐槽一番,带有一点幽默的口吻。


- I just watched the new season of that show, and it was so good! Lovepop to the writers for it happen.

- Lovepop to my significant other, who is amazing at everything except doing the dishes.

- I saw a picture of my friend's new haircut on Instagram, and I have to say... lovepop, but it's not her best look.



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