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grained是什么意思 grained的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-24 05:19:35
  • 869

grained是什么意思 grained的读音、翻译、用法



1. 材质:指物体表面的纹理或纹路。


- The leather has a finely grained texture.

- The wood paneling has a distinctive, vertical grain.

- The fabric has a diagonal grain that adds visual interest.

2. 颜色:指颜色的深浅和均匀性。


- The paint has a heavily grained appearance, giving it a rustic look.

- The stain brings out the natural grain of the wood.

- The marble has a lightly grained texture, creating a sleek, modern look.

3. 食品质地:指肉类或其他食品的质地。


- The steak was perfectly cooked and had a delicious, tender grain.

- The bread has a dense grain that makes it perfect for toasting.

- The rice has a fine grain and a delicate, nutty flavor.

4. 书写:指使用粗糙的笔触或办法书写,使得文字有明显的表面纹理。


- The calligraphy has a bold, heavily grained style.

- The brushstrokes give the painting a textured, grained effect.

- The engraving has a finely grained detail that is both intricate and beautiful.

5. 行为:指某人习惯性的行为或特征,通常是贬义的。


- He's always been grained, refusing to listen to anyone else's opinions.

- She has a grained habit of interrupting others when they speak.

- His grained behavior makes him difficult to work with.



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