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family是什么意思 family的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-21 07:40:47
  • 214

family是什么意思 family的读音、翻译、用法

1. 家庭成员:'family'可以用来描述一个人的亲属,包括父母、兄弟姐妹、祖父母等等。例如:

- My family is very close-knit. (我的家庭关系非常紧密。)

- He has a large family with six siblings. (他有六个兄弟姐妹,家庭很大。)

2. 家庭生活:'family'也可以用来描述与家庭相关的活动和事情,比如吃饭、度假、洗衣等等。例如:

- We always have dinner together as a family. (我们一家人总是一起吃晚饭。)

- They're planning a family vacation to Hawaii. (他们正在计划一次去夏威夷的家庭旅行。)

3. 同类事物的集合:'family'还可以用来描述一组相似的事物或物体的集合,比如动物、植物或汽车。例如:

- The cat family includes lions, tigers, and leopards. (猫科动物包括狮子、老虎和豹子。)

- The Toyota Corolla is part of the compact car family. (丰田卡罗拉是紧凑型轿车家族的一员。)

4. 表示亲密关系:'family'也可以用来表示与某人的关系紧密,好像是一家人一样。例如:

- We've been friends for so long, we're like family now. (我们已经是朋友很长时间了,现在就像一家人一样。)

- The staff at the hospital are like family to me. (医院的员工对我来说就像家人一样。)


1. I come from a small family with just two siblings.


2. We always have a big family dinner on Thanksgiving.


3. The rose family includes not only roses, but also apples and pears.


4. The Honda Civic and the Honda Accord are both part of the Honda family of cars.


5. We've been close friends for years and consider each other family.



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