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grauman是什么意思 grauman的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-13 02:29:16
  • 89

grauman是什么意思 grauman的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义:Grauman可以指代Grauman's Chinese Theatre,即著名的中国戏院,位于美国洛杉矶好莱坞大道,是娱乐界重要的地标之一。1,也可以指代该剧院的开创者Sid Grauman。


- The Grauman's Chinese Theatre is a must-visit destination for fans of Hollywood movies.

- Many famous movie stars have left their handprints in the cement outside the Grauman's Chinese Theatre.

- The Grauman's Chinese Theatre has been a venue for many high-profile movie premieres.

- Sid Grauman was a key figure in the development of Hollywood's film industry.

2. 历史:Grauman's Chinese Theatre建于1927年,是当时美国最大,最豪华的电影院之一。开业时,该剧院在天花板上悬挂了一架巨型飞龙,翼展超过30英尺。


- The Grauman's Chinese Theatre has a rich history that spans over 90 years.

- The opening of the Grauman's Chinese Theatre in 1927 was a major event in Hollywood history.

- The Grauman's Chinese Theatre has witnessed countless iconic moments in movie history.

- Many people consider the Grauman's Chinese Theatre to be a symbol of Hollywood's golden age.

3. 影响:Grauman's Chinese Theatre作为好莱坞的标志性建筑之一,对电影文化和旅游业产生了重要的影响。许多游客来到洛杉矶,特地前往该剧院参观。


- The Grauman's Chinese Theatre has helped to promote Hollywood's movie industry around the world.

- The Grauman's Chinese Theatre is one of the top tourist attractions in Los Angeles.

- Many visitors to the Grauman's Chinese Theatre are impressed by the theater's stunning architecture.

- The Grauman's Chinese Theatre has become a symbol of Hollywood's glamour and glitz.

4. 文化:Grauman's Chinese Theatre不仅是一家电影院,还是众多文化活动的场所。例如,该剧院每年都会举办奥斯卡颁奖典礼后的“Governors Ball”,以及其他艺术和文化活动。


- The Grauman's Chinese Theatre plays an important role in promoting cultural events in Hollywood.

- The Governors Ball is a highly antited event that follows the Academy Awards ceremony at the Grauman's Chinese Theatre.

- The Grauman's Chinese Theatre has hosted many movie premieres, book signings, and other cultural events over the years.

- The Grauman's Chinese Theatre is a popular venue for weddings and other private events.


1. I visited the Grauman's Chinese Theatre and was amazed by its stunning architecture.


2. The handprints of many famous movie stars are on display outside the Grauman's Chinese Theatre.


3. The Grauman's Chinese Theatre is a must-see destination for anyone visiting Los Angeles.


4. The Governors Ball is a high-profile event held at the Grauman's Chinese Theatre after the Oscars ceremony.


5. The Grauman's Chinese Theatre has played an important role in promoting Hollywood's movie industry around the world.



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