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finishdoing是什么意思 finishdoing的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-23 13:40:02
  • 98

finishdoing是什么意思 finishdoing的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意义和用法:'finishdoing' 是一个动词词组,表示完成做某事,通常是与一个动词的现在完成时连用。也可以缩写为 'finish' 或 'done'。在英语中,这个动词词组又叫做 phrasal verb。


- I just finished doing my homework.

- Have you finished writing the report yet?

- She finished reading the book last night.

- We need to finish cleaning the house before the guests arrive.

- The project is almost finished.

2. 时态和语态:'finishdoing' 可以用于各种时态和语态,例如一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、过去进行时、将来时、完美时态等,以及被动语态和完成时态等。


- He has finished writing his book.

- The movie will finish playing in half an hour.

- They were finishing up the last details of the project.

- By the time we arrived, the dinner had already been finished.

- The cake will have been finished by the time the guests arrive.

3. 句型和语法:'finishdoing' 可以用于不同的句型和语法结构,例如肯定和否定句、疑问句、条件句、祈使句、复合句等。


- She didn't finish reading the book.

- Did you finish your work on time?

- If we finish early, we can go out for dinner.

- Finish your vegetables before you have dessert.

- Although he finished the race, he was in last place.

4. 同义词和反义词:'finishdoing' 的同义词包括 complete、end、terminate、conclude 等,可以根据语境和情境使用不同的单词。反义词可以是 start、begin、initiate、commence 等,表示相反的动作。


- I have completed the project successfully.

- Let's begin the meeting now.

- He initiated the conversation with a smile.

- They commenced the journey early in the morning.

- The concert concluded with a spectacular fireworks display.

5. 运用场合和建议:'finishdoing' 可以用于各种正式和非正式场合,例如口语、书面语、商务、学术、科技等。建议学生在英语学习中多练习这个动词词组的用法和搭配,以提高语言表达能力和语感。


- Please make sure you finish your work before leaving.

- The professor finished his lecture with a quote from Shakespeare.

- The company is aiming to finish the project ahead of schedule.

- She finished her presentation with a confident smile.

- Let's finish the game and then go get some pizza.


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