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humanbeing是什么意思 humanbeing的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-28 14:46:02
  • 752

humanbeing是什么意思 humanbeing的读音、翻译、用法

humanbeing 是一个单词,名词,意为“人类,人类存在”。该词通常用作一般性的描述人类,不涉及具体的个人。它的发音为/ˈhjuːmənbiːɪŋ/,拼写为h-u-m-a-n-b-e-i-n-g。


1. human being rights

2. human being nature 人性

3. human being evolution 人类进化

4. human being race 人种

5. human being behavior 人类行为

6. human being society 人类社会

7. human being dignity 人类尊严


1. Every human being should have access to education. 每个人类都应该有受教育的机会。

2. The purpose of technology is to improve the quality of human being life. 技术的目的是提高人类生活的质量。

3. We all share the same human being nature. 我们都有着相同的人性。

4. Human being evolution has been a long process. 人类进化是一个漫长的过程。

5. The concept of race is a social construct and has no basis in human being biology. 种族概念是社会建构,没有基础在人类生物学。

6. The study of human being behavior is a complex field. 人类行为的研究是一个复杂的领域。

7. We need to respect the dignity of every human being. 我们需要尊重每一个人类的尊严。


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