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peludo是什么意思 peludo的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-15 15:01:53
  • 232

peludo是什么意思 peludo的读音、翻译、用法


1. 词性: 形容词

2. 意思:多毛的,毛茸茸的,有毛发的

3. 用途:

a. 描述动物或人的外貌特征,特别是毛发方面

b. 描述衣物或织物的质感,通常指绒毛厚密、柔软温暖的感觉

4. 同义词: bushy, hairy, furry, gy, woolly

5. 反义词: bald, hairless, smooth

6. 例句:

a. He's got a peludo chest hair that makes him look like a bear. (他部多毛的样子像个熊)

b. She's wearing a peludo sweater that keeps her warm in winter. (她穿着一件毛绒绒的毛衣,冬季保暖)

c. The cat has peludo ears that are so fluffy and cute. (这只猫的耳朵毛茸茸的,好可爱)

d. The wool of this blanket is peludo and feels very soft to the touch. (这个毯子的羊毛绒毛厚实,触感很柔软)

e. His peludo beard is so long and thick that he needs to trim it regularly. (他的胡子很长很密,需要经常修剪)


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