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stern是什么意思 stern的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-19 05:35:49
  • 906

stern是什么意思 stern的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词义:'stern'的词义可以有多种解释,其中最常见的意思是“严厉的”、“严格的”。第一,它还可以表示船尾或者飞机尾部的部分,以及“后面的”、“末端的”的意思。


- His stern expression made me nervous. (他的严肃表情让我感到紧张。)

- The teacher's stern warning made the students behave. (老师的严厉警告让学生表现得很好。)

- The captain stood at the stern of the ship, watching the waves. (船长站在船尾,眺望着海浪。)

- The stern of the plane was damaged in the crash. (飞机的尾部在坠机事故中受到了损坏。)

- The stern of the building faced the alley. (建筑的末尾面向着小巷。)

2. 缩写词:'STERN'还可以是一些词组的缩写,比如'Sustainable Transformation & Efficiency Reform Network','Special Temporary Employee Referral Network',以及'Saay Times Employment News'等。这些缩写词通常是在特定的领域或行业中使用的。


- STERN aims to promote sustainable development in the business sector. (Sustainable Transformation & Efficiency Reform Network 旨在促进商业部门的可持续发展。)

- The STERN program helps connect employers with temporary staff. (Special Temporary Employee Referral Network 帮助雇主与临时工人联系。)

- The STERN section of the newspaper lists job openings on Saays. (Saay Times Employment News 报纸的STERN栏目列出了周六的工作机会。)

3. 引申义:'stern'还可以引申为“严肃的”、“庄重的”、“不留情面的”等含义。在一些特定的语境中,它也可以表示“反对”的意思。


- The lecture was delivered in a stern tone. (演讲以庄重的口吻进行了。)

- The judge gave the defendant a stern warning not to repeat the offense. (法官严肃警告被告不要再犯罪。)

- The teacher took a stern approach to discipline in the claoom. (老师在课堂纪律方面采取了严格的措施。)

- The opposition party has taken a stern stance against the government's policies. (对的政策采取了强硬的立场。)

- She gave him a stern look and he knew he had crossed a line. (她严厉地看了他一眼,他明白自己已经越过了底线。)


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