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COOLER是什么意思 COOLER的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-30 07:29:28
  • 369

COOLER是什么意思 COOLER的读音、翻译、用法

1. 意义:COOLER可以表示一种装饰在电子设备或车辆上的冷却器,代表比较酷或凉爽的事物或人,还可以表示一种盛冰块的容器。


- I had to replace the cooler in my computer because it was overheating.

- That car has some really cool coolers on it.

- He thinks he's so cool, but he's really just a poser.

- Can you grab me a cooler of beer from the fridge?

- We need to fill the cooler with ice before we head to the beach.

2. 用法:COOLER可以作为名词、形容词或动词使用。


- The cooler keeps my laptop from overheating.

- Those sungl are really cool.

- He tried to act cool, but everyone could tell he was nervous.

- We need to cooler this room before the guests arrive.

- Can you help me cooler down this hot potato soup?

3. 搭配:COOLER可以与其他词汇组成一些常用的短语,如:beer cooler、water cooler、air cooler、cooler bag等。


- I need to pick up a few things for the party, including a beer cooler.

- Let's meet at the water cooler on the fourth floor.

- The air cooler is broken, so it's really hot in here.

- We packed our lunch in a cooler bag to keep it fresh.

- He always brings his own cooler of Gatorade to practice.


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