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friends是什么意思 friends的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-07 09:01:42
  • 88

friends是什么意思 friends的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性:'friends'是一个名词,用来表示指与某个人或组织有友谊关系的人或群体。该词也可以作为动词使用,表示建立友谊或与某人交朋友。


- My friends and I are going to the park this weekend. (名词)

- I hope to make some new friends at the party tonight. (名词)

- I want to be friends with her because she seems like a nice person. (动词)

2. 词源:'friends'一词源于古英语中的“frēond”,意为“朋友”。它可以追溯到古日耳曼语的“frēam”,意为“爱”。


- The word "friend" comes from the Old English word "frēond". (词源)

- The concept of friendship has been important to humans for thousands of years. (词源)

3. 同义词:'friends'有许多同义词,如:buddies, pals, companions, acquaintances, allies等。这些词用法略有不同,但都表达了友谊和亲近之感。


- I'm going out tonight with my buddies from work. (同义词)

- She's one of my closest companions, we've been friends for years. (同义词)

- I have many acquaintances, but only a few true friends. (同义词)

4. 缩写词:'friends'的缩写词是 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S',它是一部美国情景喜剧电视剧,也是一个广为人知的概念,表达了朋友间相互关心、支持和爱的重要性。


- I love watching reruns of "Friends" on TV. (缩写词)

- The show "Friends" is a classic and will always be popular. (缩写词)

5. 用法:'friends'通常用于积极的和友好的语境中,尤其在表达情感时。它可以用于表示一般的友谊,也可以用于形容特定的关系,如:好朋友、密友等。


- She's been a true friend to me for many years, always there when I need her. (一般友谊)

- We've been best friends since we were kids, and we still talk every day. (特定关系)

- I made some new friends at the conference last weekend, we have a lot in common. (一般友谊)


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