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brokeback mountain是什么意思 brokeback mountain的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-01 04:13:51
  • 215

brokeback mountain是什么意思 brokeback mountain的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源和发音:Brokeback Mountain最初是一部小说的名字,其作者是安妮·普鲁,该小说以同性恋情为故事主线。brokeback是由两个单词broke和back组成的缩写,意为“破产的、落魄的”和“背着行囊的”,而Mountain则表示“山”。因此,Brokeback Mountain可译为“破产背包山”。


- The movie 'Brokeback Mountain' tells a love story between two male shepherds.


- The author of the novel 'Brokeback Mountain' won several literary awards for her work.


- Many tourists visit Wyoming to see the real-life location of Brokeback Mountain.


- Heath Ledger's performance in 'Brokeback Mountain' earned him an Academy Award nomination.


- The movie 'Brokeback Mountain' was a commercial and critical success when it was released in 2005.


2. 意义和背景:Brokeback Mountain是一部反映同性恋题材的电影,讲述了两个男人从相识到相爱、从相爱到分别的历程,呈现了在传统价值观和现代社会中同性恋群体所面临的困境和挑战,以及他们的真实情感和内心世界。


- 'Brokeback Mountain' has been praised for its honest and authentic portrayal of a same- relationship.


- The release of 'Brokeback Mountain' helped to raise awareness and acceptance of the LGBT community.


- Some critics argue that 'Brokeback Mountain' perpetuates negative stereotypes about men.


- The success of 'Brokeback Mountain' paved the way for more LGBTQ-themed movies to be made and distributed.


- The story of 'Brokeback Mountain' resonated with many people who have faced discrimination and prejudice for their ual orientation.


3. 作品质量和影响:'Brokeback Mountain'是一部备受好评的电影,获得了多项国内外奖项,并对电影业和社会文化产生了深远的影响。该电影被视为同性恋电影的代表作之一,不仅在艺术上具有较高的价值,也在文化传播和社会进步方面做出了积极贡献。


- The director of 'Brokeback Mountain' was praised for his sensitive and nuanced portrayal of the characters and their relationships.


- Critics hailed 'Brokeback Mountain' as a groundbreaking film that challenged traditional gender norms and stereotypes.


- The success of 'Brokeback Mountain' helped to establish LGBTQ representation as an important issue in Hollywood and the entertainment industry.


- 'Brokeback Mountain' has been credited with helping to change public attitudes towards uality and same- relationships.


- Many viewers have been moved and inspired by the emotional journey of the characters in 'Brokeback Mountain'.



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