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take heart是什么意思 take heart的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-03 14:10:07
  • 611

take heart是什么意思 take heart的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:take heart from(从...中获得鼓励)。


发音拼写:/teɪk hɑːt/。


1. They were all feeling low after the defeat, but the coach's speech took heart and motivated them to keep going.(他们在失败后都感到沮丧,但是教练的演讲让他们振作起来,激励他们继续前进。)

2. When things seem hopeless, it's important to take heart and remind ourselves that there's always a way forward.(当情况看似无望时,保持鼓励和提醒自己总会有出路是很重要的。)

3. Despite the setbacks, the team took heart from their progress and continued to work hard towards their goals.(尽管遇到了挫折,但这个团队仍然从他们的进步中获得鼓励,继续为实现目标而努力。)

4. She was nervous about the interview, but the supportive words of her friends helped her take heart and do her best.(她对面试很紧张,但是朋友们的支持话语帮助她振作起来,尽力做好。)

5. The news of the successful surgery gave the patient's family hope and took heart that their loved one would recover.(手术成功的消息给病人家属带来了希望和鼓励,他们相信他们所爱的人会康复。)


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