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Hugh是什么意思 Hugh的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-29 10:59:57
  • 109

Hugh是什么意思 Hugh的读音、翻译、用法


1. Hugh作为人名的含义:Hugh这个名字起源于古日耳曼语,意为“心灵”或“精神”。在英国,这个名字通常被拼写为Hugh,但在美国,也有人将其拼写为Hue,Hy,Hew等。


- Hugh Grant is an English actor known for his roles in romantic comedies.

- Hugh Laurie is a British actor and musician, best known for his role in the TV show "House".

- The book "Hugh Glass" tells the true story of a frontiersman who survived a bear attack and crawled hundreds of miles to safety.

2. Hugh作为缩写词的意义:在特定的领域,Hugh也可以是缩写词,代表着一个名词或短语。


- HUGH stands for "High Use Groundwater".

- The HUGH grant program provides funding for low-income families to buy a home.

- In computing, HUGH is an algorithm for predicting the next word in a sentence based on statistical ysis.

3. Hugh在英语中的其他用法:除了以上两种用法,Hugh在英文句子中还可以用来引出某个问题或者表示不确定的状态。


- Hugh, do you know what time the meeting starts?

- I'm not sure if I can attend the party tomorrow night. It all depends on Hugh to give me a ride or not.

- Hugh, I think you might be wrong about that.


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