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araragi是什么意思 araragi的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-15 01:52:43
  • 93

araragi是什么意思 araragi的读音、翻译、用法


1. LOL(Laugh Out Loud):大声笑;表示非常有趣或者好笑时使用

例句:Your joke was so funny, I couldn't stop LOLing.

2. ASAP(As Soon As Possible):尽快;表示要求或者提示需要尽快完成

例句:I need the report ASAP, we have a meeting in an hour.

3. FYI(For Your Information):供您参考;表示提供一些信息或者建议

例句:FYI, the restaurant will be closed next week for renovations.

4. OCD(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder):强迫症;指一种精神疾病

例句:My friend has OCD and she needs everything to be perfectly organized.

5. RSVP(Répondez s'il vous plaît):请回复;表示邀请对方回复是否愿意参加活动

例句:Please RSVP by the end of the week so we can confirm the number of attendees.



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