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iry是什么意思 iry的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-18 02:50:44
  • 153

iry是什么意思 iry的读音、翻译、用法

1. 作为缩写词的"iry",通常代表着"Information Retrieval Yearbook",是一本有关信息检索领域的年鉴。在教学中,可以通过让学生了解这个缩写词并引导他们了解信息检索的概念,提高学生对相关专业术语的理解和应用能力。


- The "iry" provides a comprehensive overview of the development of information retrieval techniques.

- Students majoring in information systems should be familiar with the "iry".

- Many papers on information retrieval published in academic journals refer to the "iry".

2. 作为单词,"iry"并没有一个确定的意思,但可以根据语境理解为"irritating"或"irritable"的缩写形式。在教学中,可以通过这个单词,教授学生有关情绪表达的相关知识。


- He was feeling particularly "iry" today, and snapped at anyone who spoke to him.

- The heat made me feel very "iry", and I couldn't concentrate on my work.

- She had been working for hours, and was starting to get "iry" with her colleagues.

3. "iry"还可以作为一种随意变形的方式,表示某种不确定或模糊的概念。例如,在口语中,可以使用"iry"来表达某个事情不太确定或不太清楚的状态,在学习英语时也可以通过这种方式提高学生对语言变形和语境理解的能力。


- I'm not sure what time we're leaving, it's all a bit "iry" at the moment.

- The details of the project are still a bit "iry", we need to clarify them before we can start.

- The instructions were a bit "iry", so I had to ask for help.


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