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resonators是什么意思 resonators的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-11 07:17:37
  • 207

resonators是什么意思 resonators的读音、翻译、用法


1. Definition: A resonator is an object or system that vibrates at a particular frequency, which is determined by its size, shape, and materials. It is used in many fields, including physics, electronics, acoustics, and music.

2. Types: There are different types of resonators, such as mechanical resonators, electromagnetic resonators, acoustic resonators, and optical resonators.

3. Applications: Resonators are used in various applications, such as filters, oscillators, sensors, detectors, amplifiers, and musical instruments.

4. Materials: Resonators can be made of different materials depending on their application, such as metal, ceramics, quartz, glass, and polymers.

5. Properties: Resonators have different properties that affect their performance, such as resonance frequency, quality factor, bandwidth, and mode shape.


1. The quartz resonator in this watch keeps accurate time.


2. The acoustic resonator in the guitar enhances the sound quality.


3. The electromagnetic resonator in this circuit filters out unwanted signals.


4. The mechanical resonator in this sensor detects vibrations.


5. The optical resonator in this laser cavity generates coherent light.



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