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fetten是什么意思 fetten的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-04 01:22:40
  • 375

fetten是什么意思 fetten的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性

Fetten 可以是一个名词、动词或形容词。作为名词的时候,通常指脂肪或肥胖;作为动词的时候,通常指增肥或发胖;作为形容词的时候,通常指丰满或肥胖。


- As I've gotten older, I find it harder to lose the extra fettens around my waist.

- She's been relentlessly fattening up her cat, ignoring how unhealthy her pet is becoming.

- Her fettens have started to pile up because she just cooks and eats without exercising.

- He was a short, fettens man with a round belly and chubby cheeks.

- The actress has always been known for her fettens and curves.

2. 含义

Fetten 的主要含义是肥胖或过于丰满。它可以是一个贬义词,通常用来描述肥胖的人或动物。还有一点,在某些情况下,它可以被用来描述某些物品的质地或口感,比如布丁或芝士蛋糕。


- She's always been self-conscious about her fettens, but she's been working hard to lose weight.

- The fashion industry has been criticized for promoting unrealistic expectations of beauty that often lead to fettens and eating disorders.

- The steak was so juicy and tender, it practically melted in my mouth. It was fettens at its finest.

- He has a fettens cat that spends most of its day sleeping in a sunny spot on the floor.

- The chef prides himself on rich and fettens desserts that are impossible to resist.

3. 来源及衍生词

Fetten 这个词来自于英文单词 "fat",它是 "fat" 的一个变化形式。它也可以衍生出其他形容词或名词,比如 "fettenness","fettened","fettenness","fettening" 等等。


- She was a large woman, with fettensness that seemed to spill out from every angle.

- His waistline had expanded considerably over the years as a result of his fettening lifestyle.

- The doctor warned him of the dangers of fettened foods and the importance of a healthy diet.

- The company has been criticized for its fettening products that contribute to the obesity epidemic.

- She's been struggling with fettening since she was a ager, but has recently started to make some changes to her lifestyle.

4. 使用频率

Fetten 不是一个常用的单词,但它在某些场合下还是会出现。它可能出现在医学、营养学或体育锻炼领域的文本中,并且可能会在社交媒体上被使用,特别是在博客、论坛、推特等地方。


- She's always had a fettening problem, but she's been working hard to lose weight since her doctor told her it was endangering her health.

- The gym offers a variety of cl and programs designed to help people lose weight and combat fettening.

- Some people find dieting and exercise challenging because they have a genetic predisposition to fettening.

- The blogger writes about her struggles with fettening and how she's been able to overcome it.

- Social media has played a role in promoting unrealistic beauty standards that can lead to fettening and eating disorders.

5. 使用范围

Fetten 可以出现在各种不同的语境中,包括书面文本、口语、网络文本等等。它可以用来描述人、动物、食物、材料等等,但通常用来描述肥胖或过于丰满的情况。


- The polar bear at the zoo was impressively fettens, with layers of blubber to keep it warm in the freezing Arctic climate.

- She's always had a fettening figure, with wide hips and a round belly that she finds hard to keep under control.

- The deep-fried Twinkie was fettens and unhealthy, but it tasted so good that she couldn't resist having one.

- The couch was upholstered in a soft, fettens fabric that felt great to the touch.

- The artist depicted the fettenses of the human form in his paintings, celebrating our bodies in all their different shapes and sizes.


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