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julian是什么意思 julian的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-15 16:21:03
  • 148

julian是什么意思 julian的读音、翻译、用法

1. 人名:'Julian'是一种常见的男性名字,源自拉丁语“Juli”,意为“属于朱利叶斯家族的”。例如:

- Julian Assange is an Australian journalist, computer programmer and founder of WikiLeaks.(朱利安·阿桑奇是一名澳大利亚记者,计算机程序员,也是维基解密的创始人。)

- Julian Edelman is a former American football wide receiver who played for the New England Patriots.(朱利安·埃德尔曼是前美式橄榄球宽接手,曾效力于新英格兰爱国者队。)

2. 日历:'Julian'也可以指罗马共和国时期的一种日历,由罗马皇帝朱利安·凯撒在公元前45年制定。例如:

- The Julian calendar was replaced by the Gregorian calendar in most countries in the 16th century.(朱利安历法在16世纪时被大多数国家的公历取代了。)

- The Orthodox Church still uses the Julian calendar for religious holidays.(仍使用朱利安历法来确定节日。)

3. 缩写词:'JULIAN'也可以是缩写词,代表“Joint Urban Light Infantry Anti-Tank Company”,即“联合城市轻步兵反坦克连”。例如:

- The JULIAN Company is known for their fast and efficient anti-tank tactics in environments.(JULIAN连因其在城市环境下的快速高效的反坦克战术而闻名。)

- The soldiers in JULIAN are highly trained and skilled in both and rural combat.(JULIAN士兵在城市和乡村作战方面都受过高度训练和熟练掌握。)

4. 作家:'Julian'也可以指代英国小说家朱利安·贝恩思(Julian Barnes),他是英国最著名的当代作家之一,曾获得布克奖等多个文学奖项。例如:

- Julian Barnes' novels are known for their introspective and thought-provoking themes.(朱利安·贝恩斯的小说以内省和发人深省的主题闻名。)

- The Sense of an Ending, a novel by Julian Barnes, explores the concept of memory and its impact on one's life.(朱利安·贝恩斯的小说《结局的感觉》探讨了记忆的概念及其对人生的影响。)



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