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genebank是什么意思 genebank的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-12 11:09:02
  • 58

genebank是什么意思 genebank的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:种质资源库(genetic resource bank)、基因存储库(gene storage bank)、生物学样本库(biological sample bank)、库(seed bank)等。




1. The genebank contains over 120,000 accessions of plant genetic resources from all over the world.(该基因库收集了来自世界各地的120,000多个植物遗传资源)

2. The establishment of a genebank is essential for the conservation and utilization of indigenous genetic resources.(建立基因库对于保护和利用本地遗传资源至关重要)

3. Genebanks are important repositories of genetic diversity that can be used for crop improvement and breeding programs.(基因库是保存遗传多样性的重要仓库,可以用于作物改良和育种项目)

4. Genebank collections are a valuable source of genetic material for research and development of new crop varieties.(基因库收藏是开发新品种的研究和开发的有价值的遗传材料来源)

5. The genebank staff is responsible for maintenance and regeneration of the accessions, as well as providing access to researchers and breeders.(基因库工作人员负责收藏品的维护和再生,同时为研究人员和育种者提供资源共享)

6. Genebanks play an important role in the conservation and utilization of biodiversity in agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry.(基因库在农业、林业和畜牧业的生物多样性保护和利用中发挥着重要作用)

7. The establishment of a genebank network is necessary for the efficient management and sharing of genetic resources on a global scale.(建立基因库网络对于全球范围内的遗传资源的高效管理和共享是必要的)


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