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bilinear是什么意思 bilinear的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-08 05:22:12
  • 649

bilinear是什么意思 bilinear的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:bilinear interpolation(双线性插值)。




1. The bilinear function maps pairs of numbers to a single number.(双线性函数将一对数映射为单个数。)

2. Bilinear interpolation is commonly used in computer graphics to increase the resolution of an image.(双线性插值在计算机图形学中通常用于提高图像的分辨率。)

3. Bilinear filtering is a technique used in image processing that helps to smooth out jagged edges.(双线性滤波是图像处理中用于平滑锯齿状边缘的技术。)

4. The bilinear model is a popular statistical method for yzing data with two variables.(双线性模型是分析具有两个变量的数据的流行统计方法。)

5. The algorithm uses bilinear interpolation to estimate the missing data points.(该算法使用双线性插值来估计缺失的数据点。)

6. Bilinear transform is an important tool used in digital signal processing to translate og filters into digital filters.(双线性变换是数字信号处理中用于将模拟滤波器转换为数字滤波器的重要工具。)

7. The bilinear map in complex ysis sends the unit circle to an ellipse.(复分析中的双线性映射将单位圆映射为椭圆。)


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