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bondadoso是什么意思 bondadoso的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-08 11:08:21
  • 432

bondadoso是什么意思 bondadoso的读音、翻译、用法


1. Definition: Bondadoso is a Spanish adjective that means kind, generous, or charitable. It describes a person who is benevolent and compassionate towards others.

2. Etymology: The word bondadoso derives from the Spanish noun 'bondad,' which means goodness. The suffix '-oso' is added to indicate abundance or quality.

3. Synonyms: Other words that can be used as synonyms for bondadoso include amable (friendly), compasivo (compassionate), generoso (generous), benévolo (benevolent), and caritativo (charitable).

4. Usage: Bondadoso is commonly used to describe a person's character or personality. It can be used in formal or informal situations, and can be applied to people of any age or gender.

5. Examples:

- Juan es un hombre muy bondadoso, siempre está dispuesto a ayudar a los demás. (Juan is a very kind man, always willing to help others.)

- Mi abuela es muy bondadosa, siempre nos da regalos y nos hace sentir queridos. (My grandmother is very generous, she always gives us gifts and makes us feel loved.)

- El presidente donó una gran cantidad de dinero a la caridad, demostrando su espíritu bondadoso. (The president donated a large amount of money to charity, demonstrating his kind spirit.)

- El maestro bondadoso siempre escucha las preocupaciones de sus estudiantes y les brinda apoyo emocional. (The kind teacher always listens to his students' concerns and provides emotional support.)

- La bondadosa enfermera cuidó del paciente con atención y cariño, haciéndolo sentir mejor. (The compassionate nurse took care of the patient with care and affection, him feel better.)


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