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microbus是什么意思 microbus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-10 12:24:46
  • 61

microbus是什么意思 microbus的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词源及含义:microbus是英语中的一个单词,来自于希腊语的μικρός(mikros,意为“小的”)和拉丁语的omnibus(意为“包括所有人的”)。microbus指的是一种小巴士,通常用于运送少量乘客或在城市内短途行驶。


- My family decided to rent a microbus to explore the countryside during our vacation.

- The company used a microbus to shuttle their employees from the train station to the office.

- The youth group rented a microbus to travel to the concert venue.

- The hotel provides a free microbus service to their guests to visit nearby attractions.

- Many schools use microbuses to transport students to and from sporting events.

2. 适用领域:microbus通常用于城市内的短途交通,如班车服务、观光旅游、学校交通以及接送等。


- The microbus service is a convenient and affordable transportation option for city residents.

- The tour company offers a customized microbus tour of the city's landmarks.

- The school arranged for a microbus to transport students to the field trip destination.

- The airport provides a microbus service for passengers with limited mobility.

- The resort offers a microbus shuttle service to the beach and nearby attractions.

3. 特点与优势:相比于大型巴士,microbus的尺寸更小、更灵活,行驶起来更为便捷,同时也更省油。由于乘客数量相对较少,乘坐体验更为舒适,也更容易进行社交互动。


- Due to its small size and flexibility, the microbus can easily navigate through narrow city streets.

- The microbus consumes less fuel than a regular bus, it a more environmentally friendly option.

- The microbus provides a more personalized and comfortable travel experience compared to a larger bus.

- The microbus allows for easier social interaction among passengers during the ride.

- The microbus operator can change the route or schedule quickly to accommodate passengers' needs.

4. 安全问题:虽然microbus在短途交通方面具有一定优势,但其安全问题也需要引起关注,特别是在不合规运营和维护的情况下。因此,和监管机构需要加强对microbus运营的管理和监督,以保障乘客的安全。


- The government has implemented stricter regulations on microbus operations to ensure passenger safety.

- Many accidents involving microbuses have been caused by overloading or inadequate maintenance.

- Passengers should check the safety record and qualifications of the microbus operator before booking a ride.

- The microbus operator should conduct regular safety inspections and train their drivers accordingly.

- The public should be aware of the potential safety risks when using microbus services from unlicensed operators.


- 我们家决定租一辆小巴士在度假期间探索乡村。

- 公司使用小巴士将员工从火车站接送到办公室。

- 青年团租了一辆小巴士前往音乐会场馆。

- 酒店为客人提供免费的小巴士服务,以前往附近的景点。

- 许多学校使用小巴士运送学生参加体育赛事。

- 小巴士服务是城市居民方便且经济实惠的交通选择。

- 旅行社提供定制化的小巴士城市地标游览。

- 学校安排小巴士将学生运送到实地考察目的地。

- 为有行动不便的乘客提供小巴士服务。

- 海滨度假村提供小巴士接送服务前往海滩和附近的景点。


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