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polished是什么意思 polished的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-15 05:43:02
  • 288

polished是什么意思 polished的读音、翻译、用法


1. 磨光,抛光


- The floors were polished to a high shine. (地板被抛光得非常亮)

- The silverware was polished to a mirror-like finish. (银器被磨得像镜子一样)

2. 圆滑的,老练的


- She gave a polished performance at the theater. (她在剧院上表现得十分老练)

- His polished manners impressed everyone at the party. (他的圆滑举止给在场所有人留下了深刻印象)

3. 完美的,精细的


- The presentation was very polished, with great attention to detail. (这个演示非常精细,注重细节)

- The final product was a polished version of the original design. (最终产品是原始设计的完美版本)

4. 擦亮的,提升的


- With some fine-tuning, the article was polished into a publishable piece. (经过一些微调,这篇文章被修改成可以发表的文章)

- The company’s image was polished up after a new CEO took over. (新任CEO接手后,公司形象被提升了)


1. The actors gave a polished performance that left the audience spellbound. (演员们表演得非常老练,让观众们入迷)

2. The table was polished to a high gloss, reflecting everything in the room. (桌子被磨得非常亮,反射着房间里的一切)

3. The politician’s speech was polished and rehed, but lacked sincerity. (这位家的演讲经过精心准备,但缺乏真诚)

4. The company’s branding was polished and consistent across all platforms. (公司的品牌形象在各个平台上都非常精炼、一致)

5. The designer spent hours polishing the final details of the dress, it perfect. (设计师花了数小时精心打磨这件裙子的最后细节,让它变得完美)


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