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cynically是什么意思 cynically的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-22 09:02:12
  • 124

cynically是什么意思 cynically的读音、翻译、用法

词义:cynically 意为冷嘲热讽地、讽刺地、嘲笑地。


词组搭配:cynically amused(冷嘲热讽的感到有趣)、cynically bitter(冷嘲热讽的苦涩)、cynically humorous(冷嘲热讽的幽默)、cynically mocking(冷嘲热讽的嘲笑)。




1. She spoke cynically of marriage, having been through a messy divorce herself.(她冷嘲热讽地谈论婚姻,因为她自己经历过一次混乱的离婚。)

2. The audience laughed cynically at the politician’s promises, knowing he was not to be trusted.(听众对政客的承诺冷嘲热讽地笑,知道他是不可信任的。)

3. Sarah cynically remarked that the world would be a better place without politicians.(萨拉冷嘲热讽地说,如果没有政客,世界会更美好。)

4. The journalist wrote cynically about the celebrity’s latest scandal, exposing the truth behind the headlines.(这位记者冷嘲热讽地写了一篇关于这位名人最新丑闻的文章,揭示了新闻标题背后的。)

5. Alex cynically observed that people only gave to charity to make themselves feel better.(亚历克斯冷嘲热讽地观察到,人们只是为了让自己感觉好才捐钱给慈善机构。)

6. The comedian cynically joked about the state of politics, the audience roar with laughter.(这位喜剧演员冷嘲热讽地开玩笑,让观众大笑不止。)

7. The manager cynically remarked that the only way to get ahead in business was to step on others.(那位经理冷嘲热讽地说,在商业上取得成功的唯一途径就是踩别人。)


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