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registar是什么意思 registar的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 04:10:58
  • 980

registar是什么意思 registar的读音、翻译、用法

1. 注册

- 作为动词,register表示将信息录入系统或者记录在某处,比如注册网站账户,注册选课等。


1. You need to register for the conference before the deadline.

2. Students must register for cl online.

3. Follow the instructions to register for a library card.

- 作为名词,register指登记表、注册簿等记录信息的纸质或电子工具。


1. Sign your name in the register when you arrive at the hotel.

2. The register showed that 100 people had attended the event.

3. The school keeps a register of all the students' absences.

2. 收银机

- 在某些国家和地区,register还可以指收银机,这是因为在过去的收银机上通常有个显示器显示商品价格和数量等信息。


1. The cashier entered the total into the register and gave me my change.

2. I need to fix the register because it's not adding up correctly.

3. The store installed a new register system to make checkouts faster.

3. 记者

- 在新闻业中,register可以指一种语言风格或表达方式,特别是记者或新闻工作者使用的语言风格,通常与受众、主题和情境有关。


1. The journalist used a formal register in his report on the economic summit.

2. The editor asked the reporter to use a more informal register in her feature article.

3. The news anchor's register was too difficult for most viewers to understand.


1. You must register before you can access the website's full features. (你必须在能够使用网站的完整功能之前进行注册。)

2. I need to buy a new register for my store because the old one is broken. (我需要为我的店铺购买一台新的收银机,因为旧的已经坏了。)

3. The journalist's register was too academic for the general public to understand. (这位记者的用语风格过于学术化,一般公众难以理解。)

4. Don't forget to sign the register when you attend the conference. (参加会议时别忘了在登记表上签名。)

5. The store manager trained the new cashier how to use the register. (店长对新收银员进行了如何使用收银机的培训。)


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