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apiculture是什么意思 apiculture的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-05 14:25:45
  • 334

apiculture是什么意思 apiculture的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:beekeeping(养蜂)、honey production(蜜蜂生产)、honey extraction(蜂蜜提取)、pollination(授粉)




1. He learned apiculture from his grandfather who had kept bees for more than 50 years. (他从祖父那里学习了养蜂业,他的祖父已经养了50多年的蜜蜂了。)

2. Apiculture is an important agricultural activity in many countries, especially in Europe and the United States. (养蜂业在许多国家,特别是在欧洲和美国是重要的农业活动。)

3. The beekeeper carefully checked the hives to ensure that the bees had enough food for the winter. (养蜂人仔细检查蜂巢以确保蜜蜂有足够的食物度过冬天。)

4. Beekeeping is an environmentally friendly way of farming because bees help pollinate crops. (养蜂是一种环境友好的农业方法,因为蜜蜂有助于作物授粉。)

5. The apiculture industry has been affected by the decline in bee populations, which is caused by the use of pesticides and climate change. (养蜂业受到蜜蜂数量下降的影响,这是由于杀虫剂和气候变化导致的。)

6. The government is encouraging farmers to engage in apiculture by providing subsidies and training. (通过提供补贴和培训的方式鼓励农民参与养蜂业。)

7. The taste and quality of honey depend on the type of flower the bees have collected nectar from. (蜜蜂采集花蜜的种类影响蜂蜜的味道和质量。)


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