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recalibrate是什么意思 recalibrate的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-11 03:53:12
  • 747

recalibrate是什么意思 recalibrate的读音、翻译、用法

1. 词性和词义:


2. 用法:


3. 同义词:


4. 可能的派生词:



1. The technician needs to recalibrate the machine for accurate measurements. (技术人员需要重新校准机器以进行精确测量。)

2. The pilot had to recalibrate the flight controls to ensure a safe landing. (飞行员必须重新调整飞行控制以确保安全着陆。)

3. The company decided to recalibrate its marketing campaign after a disappointing quarter. (公司决定在一个令人失望的季度后重新调整其营销活动。)

4. The instrument needs to be recalibrated every six months to ensure accurate readings. (仪器需要每六个月重新校准以确保准确读数。)

5. We will need to recalibrate our expectations for the project given the delays in the timeline. (考虑到时间表的延迟,我们需要重新调整项目的预期。)


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