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leeching是什么意思 leeching的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-21 11:03:35
  • 768

leeching是什么意思 leeching的读音、翻译、用法

单词 leeching 通常指“吸取(水分、营养等)”或“(指计算机网络中)下载而不上传的行为”。以下是详细的介绍:

词义:leeching 作为动词时,指吸取(水分、营养等),或指在计算机网络中下载而不上传。可作名词时,则是指吸血虫。

词性:leeching 是动词的现在分词。


1. leeching off:指从他人或环境中获取利益或资源。例句:He's always leeching off his friends, never paying his own way.

2. leeching nutrients:指植物从土壤中吸取养分。例句:The plant is leeching nutrients from the soil.

3. bandwidth leeching:指用户在下载时占用很大带宽而不上传,使得其他用户无法使用此资源。例句:The company has a strict policy against bandwidth leeching.


1. leeching moisture:指从土壤中吸取水分。例句:The tree roots are leeching moisture from the ground.

2. leeching off of society:指依靠社会福利或援助生活。例句:The man was criticized for leeching off of society without contributing anything.



1. The plant is leeching nutrients from the soil. 这个植物正在从土壤中吸取营养。

2. The tree roots are leeching moisture from the ground. 树根正在从地下吸取水分。

3. He's always leeching off his friends, never paying his own way. 他总是依赖朋友,从来不自己付账。

4. The company has a strict policy against bandwidth leeching. 公司有严格的政策禁止带宽盗用。

5. The leeching of wealth from society by the rich has become a hot issue. 富人从社会中掠夺财富已成为热点问题。

6. The leeches on his skin were ing his blood. 他皮肤上的水蛭正在吸他的血。

7. Some people see those on welfare as leeches on the government. 有些人认为那些接受福利的人是的寄生虫。


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