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respon是什么意思 respon的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-15 04:44:44
  • 792

respon是什么意思 respon的读音、翻译、用法


1. 缩写词方面:

- RESPON: Referral and Evaluation of Special Education Programs Online Network (美国特殊教育咨询和评估在线网络);

- RESP: Rapid Early Systemic Sepsis Response (迅速早期全身性感染反应);

- REsPoN: Research and Education supporting Practice in Neuropsychology (神经心理学实践支持的研究和教育)。

2. 拼写和用法方面:

- Res: 在视频游戏中,指死亡后重新出现;

- Respondent: 受信方,在法庭上指被告方或被要求回答问题的人;

- Response: 反应、回答、回应。

3. 词源方面:



- RESPON: The RESPON system enables educators and administrators to gather and yze data on special education programs to improve student outcomes.

- RESP: Hospitals use the RESP protocol to identify sepsis patients quickly and start treatment as soon as possible.

- REsPoN: The REsPoN network supports research into neuropsychology and provides resources for practical application.

- In this game, you can res after you die.

- The respondent is required to answer the questions truthfully in court.

- Her response to the question was well thought out and articulate.



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